A healthy life is all about balance.
At InnerTREAT Wellness Center, we integrate traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, exclusive manual therapy techniques, top-tier herbal formulations, various holistic treatments, and modern equipment to not only alleviate symptoms but also aim for overall well-being in the realms of body, mind, and spirit.
InnerTREAT Wellness Center has two locations in North America. Our first clinic started in San Jose, California in 2018 and the second one was grand-opened in September 2023 in Peoria, Arizona. We also offer virtual consultation and online education series. In our online store, natural, premium herbal products can be shipped nationwide.
Better health brings a better quality of life. Come and explore a natural way of healing at InnerTREAT Wellness Center.
立善中醫在北美有加州聖荷西及亞利桑那州大鳳凰城區兩個據點,以聯合診所形式提供各式服務。我們各有專精的醫師群聯手為客人量身訂製最適合體質需求的療程。 結合傳統中醫、獨家傷科手法、頂級草本藥方、各式自然療法及現代化設備,舒緩症狀同時深入調理,追求身心靈三方面平衡的健康。

F.A.C.E Acupuncture / Acu-Facial 韓式魅力優雅美顏針
Acupressure 穴位經絡按摩
Sports Medicine 運動醫學
Pain Managment 痛症管理
Teenager Growth Consultation 青少年成長調理
Women's Wellness: Menopause, PMS, etc 婦科調理
Herbal Prescription & Supplements 頂級科學中藥配方
Wellness Booster Herbal Tea 空間醫學草本茶療
Other Holistic Treatments (Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxibustion, etc.) 其他自然療法