Meet our doctors virtually! Our remote consultation offers an efficient and unique experience to the doctor's office. The patient will receive a detailed questionnaire which helps the doctor to understand the patient's symptons, current conditions and medical history. A follow-up Zoom/ audio/ video conference will be arranged. The doctor will issue herbal suppletment prescription or other suggestion base on the patient's needs. Patients can order herb prescription and pick it up at our clinic or have it shipped to their home.
If your need information, please call or text us at (408) 647-4235.
Or email us
需要中醫協助,卻無法親臨診所嗎? 立善醫師群經驗豐富,專精中醫辨證論治,經方用藥。 我們的網路門診透過詳細的問診單,了解病人症狀及病史,同時將安排電話或視訊問診,掌握病人狀況,給予適當建議。 您可訂購您的藥方,由醫師在診所內配妥,直接寄到府上或是您可親自到診所來領取。
(408)647-4235 電話/簡訊 電子郵件
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